I think we may conclude by now that Brenda and I are NOT very good bloggers. It's an "all or nothing" thing. We either blog three times a day, or not at all.
But some things just need to be spilled.
Like moi (Sacha), being overly excited on the fact that our Boudoir of Paris has received the Top Rated Plus status. Now >>that<< means something, right? It feels like being rewarded! Our customers actually >>like<< what we're doing. :)
So when I'm all hyped up about having read the eBay message, telling us that we achieved this wonderful, brilliant, genius accomplishment, yelling at Brenda "YAY, WE BECAME A TOP RATED PLUS SELLER", all she gives me is a "LOL, I know".
Turns out that Brenda once became a Power Seller and that a status like that (and this) is something that's as "easily lost as it is gained".
Oh well. For the time being I keep yelling and screaming "YAY, WE ARE A TOP RATED PLUS SELLER".
And will continue to do my best of efforts to keep our bizz going as it is going now.
Thank you very much, dear customers, for your help in us having achieved this! We couldn't have done it without you. :)